
Finally, we have created a site for your to get the books you have been raving about!

This site has been created by author Robbie Daniels and offers you a chance to purchase a part of my life. Here are my two books that are available for purchase. 
If you like sci-fi and are into zombies, then you'll want to purchase my book called "THEM!!" It's ficitional but who know's maybe I know somethings about the future that you need to know to keep the zombies out!
My second book has been a really great seller and is available almost anywhere now, due to its popularity. It called "Dead Watching" and if you are not scared to turn off the lights now, you will be after reading this book! Its a TRUE story about a few events of Robbie's childhood that will make you cringe, all the way up to living in a true haunted house! Everything in this book is 100% factual and is guaranteed to scare the living life out of you! Note: Please do not read this book, if you are faint of heart!


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